Dental Fillings 101: A Comprehensive Overview

Need To Know Everything About Dental Fillings? This Comprehensive Overview Covers All The Basics, Including Types, Benefits, And Potential Risks.

Having a healthy set of teeth is essential for both the physical and psychological well-being of an individual. Dental fillings are a common method of treating cavities and restoring teeth to their original condition. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of dental fillings, including the different materials, types, and benefits that patients should consider. […]

Brace Yourself: What to Expect When Getting Braces

Brace Yourself: What To Expect When Getting Braces

Getting braces is a common orthodontic treatment that can help correct misalignment and improve the look of one’s smile. This article provides an overview of the process of getting braces, including the types of braces available, how to prepare for the procedure, the placement process, pain management, and proper care and maintenance. Gathering information ahead […]

Invisalign as Whitening trays + promo

Invisalign As Whitening Trays + Promo

As a bonus, what you can do with your Invisalign or with your retainers is you can actually use them as whitening trays, which is something very popular that we do. We give you the whitening. You can dispense it into the Invisalign aligner or into the retainer and you wear it and you have […]

Are retainers a must?

Are Retainers A Must

Anyone who tells you that you shouldn’t wear retainers is tricking you because teeth will always want to move to a certain point. So yes, with braces and with Invisalign retainers are a must if you want to preserve the results that you achieve. I say it’s similar to dieting, if you go on a […]

Before During and after invisalign

Before During And After Invisaligners

Before you get your Invisalign, it’s really important to have a full check-up to make sure that there’s nothing going on with the teeth. That there’s no holes, that your gums are okay, and then you can go onto have your Invisalign. When we do the Invisalign, we take impressions, we take photos. I design […]

Invisalign Treatment Schedule Disruptions

Invisalign Treatment Schedule Disruptions

With special events, we do work around them so we keep those in mind, and if you let me know, then I can design the treatments in such a way to make sure that no adjustments are required during the time that you’re away. So I’ve had patients who are getting married so we made […]

Who are the least suitable for Invisalign?

Who Are The Least Suitable For Invisaligners

You have to really be diligent. So, if you are not able to do that, then braces may be the better option for you. Someone who has a severe, what we call a skeletal discrepancy, where the jaws are just completely different sizes. It also depends on what they want to achieve. Do they really […]

Update on Coronavirus (May 11th)


The Dental Board and the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) confirmed that it is appropriate for dental practices to now move from Level 2 to Level 1 restrictions. Under Level 1 restrictions, we are able to offer most of our patients all standard dental treatments such as teeth cleaning, orthodontics, surgical extractions, teeth whitening […]

How does Invisalign works?

How Does Invisalign Works

If we think about how Invisalign works, with the aligner, it sits around the tooth and encloses it completely, and that way, we can get control over how we are going to move the teeth. We also put these white attachments on the teeth. You can hardly see them. And they are actually a smart […]

Does Invisalign cost more than braces?

Does Invisalign Costs More Than Braces

So the price depends on the complexity and the length of the case. So, there are cases that will take, maybe a few months. They wouldn’t be that expensive. But the typical full Invisalign case, which would range from 12 to 24 months, that would be the more expensive case. It also depends whether you’re […]